WU BIN TO TEACH AT SENI07, Excel London, 20 MAY 2007
Great news to all Chinese Gong-fu fans, Master Wu Bin is coming to teach at Seni07! Master Wu Bin is honored as one of the ‘Ten International Great Wushu Masters¡¯, 9 Duan achiever; he was the chief instructor of Beijing Wushu Team, the president of Beijing Wushu Institute, as well as holding many top positions in the Chinese martial arts association, Chairman of Technical Committee of International Wushu Federation, and Chairman of Technical Committee of Wushu Federation of Asia.
Under Master Wu Bin ‘s coaching, Beijing Wushu Team , has achieved a feat that no team has ever accomplished, winning 10 consecutive years of Wushu Championship, received over 50 gold medals, fostered a dozen of national and international Gong-fu film stars, Jet Lee is only one of them. Today, Master Wu’s students are all over the world and he is frequently invited to teach overseas.
Why can Master Wu be so successful as a martial arts teacher? How does he teach to westerners? What is the essence of Chinese martial arts? In his 2 hour seminar, Master Wu gives you his answers to these questions. His teaching is vivid and well structured, his course is practical and hands on, every movement will be demonstrated by Cao Yue, a famous young star, who is a member of Beijing Wushu Team and has recently won Asia Youth Wushu Champion. It is a wonderful opportunity to witness a top player in action in front of you.
The seminar is benefit to any levels and any styles of Chinese martial arts, traditional and modern, barehanded and weaponry. Chinese martial arts practitioners no matter what level or style will find the seminar gives them the insight understanding and logic coherence of this art and sport combined. It is a rare chance to receive a lesson taught in person by such high rank Wushu master, it is a lifetime experience.
The course also grants you a certificate signed by Master Wu, and a photo opportunity with this Chinese martial arts giant. If there is any question, please email: Wubinseminar@ms-L.co.uk
Session takes place at 10:30-12:30 on Sunday 20th May. Places can be booked online at www.senishow.com. By purchasing a seminar ticket you will access Seni07 expo free of charge.
Seni07 is happening at Excel London on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th May 2007.
To reserve places on this session contact Seni07 on 0845 125 967 or book online at www.senishow.com
Plus look out for the first ¡°London Wushu Open Championships¡± set to take place at Seni07!